THE STONE ON THE CHAIN (UTRECHT, NETHERLANDS) A special story is connected to the Utrecht stone (city in the Netherlands), which is riveted to the corner house of the Eligenhof and the Oudegracht number 364. The large stone was originally placed there to protect the house from damage when towing cargo or driving cars. It was already there in 1520. The stone on the chain But there was something wrong with the stone, which looked so ordinary during the day. Imagine... at twelve o'clock at night at New Moon, when you stuck a pin in one of her pale veins, blood flowed out. And that was not all! Not by a long shot... In the middle of the night all kinds of evil spirits, giants, witches and sorcerers came. They danced around the stone. They marched with it over the boulders of the Oudegracht. They bounced like a ball back and forth from the Vollersbrug over the Oudegracht to the Geertebrug. Back and forth! Hoepla! Fuss! It was a terrible noise and the citizens of Utrecht could not fall...