10 "Facts" about Werewolves Werewolves are everywhere: in books, movies and television series. These dark creatures appeal to the imagination and stand for everything we find scary: the dark, the unknown and, of course, murderous creatures. When the full moon appears, a werewolf shows its true nature. A normal human transforms into a bloodthirsty wolf that is almost unstoppable. Want to know more about these dark creatures? Here are ten facts about werewolves 10. MANWOLF WOULD HAVE MADE MORE SENSE The word "werewolf" comes from the Primordial German *wera-wulfa. Wera meant "man" and wulfa "wolf" . So a better translation would be manwolf. 9. LYCANTHROPY IS NOT JUST ABOUT WOLVES The mental disorder in which a person is under the delusion that he is turning into a wolf is also called lycanthropy . Yet lycanthropy is not just about wolves, as all people who turn into an animal are called a lycanthrope. This term comes from the world of folk tales...